The Bailey Middle School Band Boosters helps to promote and stimulate musical education on our campus as well as in the community. It fosters a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among the membership.

Bailey Band Boosters 2024-2025 Board:

President  Jennifer Moore

Vice President  Michelle Dotzenrod

Treasurer - Tikoa Legendre

Secretary - Lisa Chandler

Hospitality - Karen Hayden & Melissa Milo

Website - Roman Ramos

Social Media - Silvia Molina

At Large - Rodolfo Rodarte

Booster Membership

We invite you to join the Bailey Band Boosters, an organization dedicated to supporting the famous Bailey Band.

Through the course of the year, we provide scholarship money for students, transportation for bands, professional dues for directors, and various other projects designed to support the continued success of the band program.

Your sponsorship and membership assists the Boosters with continuing this support - THANK YOU!

Special thanks to our 2024-2025 Whole Note Members - we appreciate your support!

Baker Family

Botto Family

Bribiesca Family

Dessin/Gunter Family

Dotzenrod Family

Greenfield Family

Hayden Family

Legendre Family

Long Family

Milo Family

Moore Family

Prajapati/Pekar Family

Speyrer Family

Spirit Wear

If you missed the the Bailey Band Booster's Spirit Wear Pre-Order, we have a limited number of extra shirts and hoodies.  Prices have gone up to $16 and $27 to cover tax (we used the pre-order as our tax-free event for the spring). Please email us at

Corporate Sponsor

As a sponsor of the Bailey Band, your business will be recognized and thanked in the concert programs throughout the year.

In addition, your company logo, website or emblem will be featured on our website.

Special thanks to our 2023-2024 Corporate Sponsors!

Please support these businesses as they have generously donated to our Band!

THANK YOU Smith Family!

THANK YOU Wenger Family!

THANK YOU Zuniga Family!

THANK YOU Botto Family!

THANK YOU Baker Family!